2021 Year-In-Review and Looking Ahead

Message from Co-founder and CEO, Nimantha Baranasuriya
The year 2021 marks the 5th anniversary of Ackcio. This is also a very challenging year where the world continued to face huge health challenges caused by COVID-19. While it’s not a time for celebration, it is still important for us to reflect on the past to prepare for the future.
Ackcio was founded in 2016 by Mobashir Mohammad and me after we graduated from our Ph.D. studies in Wireless Networking. We saw a huge opportunity to address a real industry need for reliable monitoring solutions with our technical expertise in long-range wireless mesh networks and started Ackcio with the vision of making industrial operations smarter and safer.
Since then, we have come a long way. We dealt with our struggles, we worked round the clock to make things work. We learnt hard, pivoted, and have become stronger. We are amazed by how Ackcio grew from a single desk to a thriving tech company that now supports critical monitoring projects in construction, infrastructure, mining, and rail industries in over 25 countries across 6 continents.
I recall our prototype product was only capable of reading 0-24mA current-loop sensors, and it used a simple long-range wireless radio for data transmission. Today, we have improvised it to become the Ackcio Beam system that is compatible with most geotechnical and structural sensors and software platforms.
All these changes over the last 5 years came with great efforts, resulting in Ackcio being recognised in the market as an innovative wireless data acquisition platform company, which drives its business through knowledge, expertise, hard work, and being customer-centric.
While these few years have been challenging, 2021 is by far the most remarkable year we have. Here are some of the key accomplishments of 2021:
To all our employees, customers, partners, investors, and advisors, I thank you for your continued commitment to Ackcio. Without your trust and support, Ackcio would not have taken off to such great heights.
Coming to 2022, we will continue expanding geographically, scaling up our research & development efforts, and venturing into more industry verticals, to help more companies to increase their operational efficiency, reduce their costs, improve their worker safety, and comply with local regulatory requirements.
Happy 5th Anniversary Ackcio, once again! I look forward to many more years to come! I’d also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year ahead! See you next year.